O Configs
You can add and manage options within the configs and overwrite the application configs without having to change the values inside the config files.
Install for laravel
composer require obelaw/o-configs
Migrate configs table
php artisan migrate
Overwrite app configs
You can overwrite app configs
oconfig()->get('app.name') // Laravel;
oconfig()->set('app.name', 'Obelaw');
oconfig()->get('app.name') // Obelaw;
You can manage options in a simple way with helpers.
Add Option
You can add an option through the following line
oconfig()->set($path, $value);
: The option path that you will use to fetch its value.
: Put the value of any type of data.
If this path exists on config files It will be overwritten without modifying the value inside the file.
Get Option
Fetching value for a specific option
oconfig()->get($path, $default = null)
If this path does not exist in the configs table, the value will be fetched from within the file, otherwise, the default value will be displayed if you set.
: The option path.
: You can specify a default value if the option is not found.
Has Option
Make sure the option is there
: The option path.
Verify that the value exists within the configs table.
Forget Option
You can delete any option
: The option path.
Delete the option from the configs table if it exists.
Use helpers
oconfig([$path => $value]); // set
oconfig($path, $default = null); // get
oconfig()->has(); // has
oconfig()->forget(); // forget
Use facade
use Obelaw\Configs\Facade\OConfig;
OConfig::set($path, $value);
OConfig::get($path, $default = null);